How to Self-Publish Your Book

Ah, the ebook. It has made dreaming writers turn to authors almost with the click of a button. While in the past, self-publishing might have been looked down upon, now it’s a booming industry that is pulling more and more people into its web. If you’re an aspiring writer, you can also join the fray and self-publish your very own book

There are a few options for self-publishing, and while self-publishing using a print company where you pay a fee has been a popular option in the past, a lot of people are turning to KDP. This is Kindle Direct Publishing, through Amazon. Not only does it have simple, step-by-step instructions, but it’s actually free, and you get a major percentage of the sales royalties! Other options include Apple Books, Ingram Spark, Barnes & Noble Press just to name a few. 

So, you’ve written your manuscript and now you want to know where to go from here.

Here’s our list of steps for How to Self-Publish Your Book, covering:

    1. Publishing format
    2. Formatting the text
    3. Front and back matter
    4. Cover design
    5. Uploading
    6. Marketing

      Step one: Think about your publishing format.

      Decide if you want to go the ebook or the print route. Both are options, especially if you are thinking of using Kindle Direct Publishing. The uploading processes are a bit different, but all instructions are on their site!

      Remember the format you choose will affect your audience and may affect your sales. So, be sure to check out the bestsellers list for both print and Kindle ebooks in order to help you decide on what format in your genre is selling best.

      Step two: Format your text.

      Yep! It is a simple process, but you do need to prepare your document to upload onto Kindle Direct Publishing as well as other ebook self-publishing sites. Don’t worry, the explanation is all on the site. It will include things like spacing, indents, page breaks, and the like. 

      It’s easy enough to format your text in Google Docs or Microsoft Word, but some writers also like to use Scrivener to help them prepare their manuscript. Download Kindle Previewer to help you see if your formatting is working. With this tool, you actually get to see how your book looks on a Kindle screen!


      Step three: Prepare your front and back matter.

      These kinds of things can be easily forgotten for the new author and those new to self-publishing.

      Front and back matter includes details like:

      1. The title page
      2. Dedication page
      3. Copyright information
      4. Table of contents
      5. About the author
      6. A page dedicated to other books you've published

      Kindle Create will help you prepare this matter and will guide you to what you can include in these sections.

      Step four: Create your cover design.

      Again, this might be something that you wouldn’t think about until the very end, but it’s actually part of what draws your readers to you! Again, check out that bestsellers list to see what kinds of cover designs are popping up and what look most attractive. 

      Some people like to design their covers themselves, using a program like Canva. But you can also hire out designers for this or use Kindle’s Cover Creator!


      Step five: Upload your book.

      Now, once you’ve edited, proofread, and previewed your book making sure that all is well, it’s time for the upload. Instructions for uploading will be on the publishing site that you choose, and Kindle’s are especially helpful and specific. It really is as easy as selecting the upload link, browsing your computer files to find your manuscript, and hitting "upload."


      Step six: Spread the word!

      Time to get word out about your book and be your own marketer. With self-publishing comes the extra effort to actually help your book be a success. KDP can help you market your book to the right audiences. Share links to your newly released book on your social media accounts. Craft your elevator pitch to be ready at a moment's notice to tell potential readers what your book is about, and make sure to use email to reach as many people as possible.

      Some authors even pay for ads on social media sites, or through KDP's ad service.


      But wait, there's more!

      What if you’re not interested in writing or can’t for whatever reason, but you want to get your book out there? HotGhostWriter is here to help. We can take your idea and turn it into a masterpiece. People all over the world use ghostwriters in order to get their ideas out there written by a professional writer. The best part is? HGW handles the editing and cleanup for you, so you don’t have that extra hassle.

      So get on board! Join the wave of self-publishing and get your book out there! Don’t worry; it’s easier than you think!

      Kerilee Nickles



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