Ghostwriting Blog | HotGhostWriter
The Elements of a Great Romance Scene
Romance is one of the top-selling book genres across the world. That’s because people like to read about love. It brings hope and creates warm, hap...
Steam Levels and How to Pick One for Your Book's Genre
One of the subtle arts to writing is choosing the steam level that best suits your story. Steam levels vary based on how explicit the romantic cont...
Formatting for self-publishing: Tips and Tools to help you format your own manuscript
One of the aspects of self-publishing is the semi-odious task of formatting. You have to prepare your manuscript properly (just like when you’re se...
How to Read to Become a Better Writer
You’ve probably heard that one of the best ways to learn is to read. Even if you’re stuck in one place, you can see the whole world through the eye...
Ten Popular Romance Tropes and How to Write Them Into Your Novel
Why do readers just know who the love interest is? How can they anticipate how the hero and heroine will get together in the end? We’re all familia...
How to write Jealousy into your Romance Novel
Jealousy, an inherent part of the human psyche, is something everyone relates to, which is why it’s a common theme in romance novels. You can use i...
How to Research Your Genre & Find Out What’s Selling
In the last blog, How to Write a Great Book, we discussed finding out what’s selling before you write, so that you can find the audience that works...
How to Choose Your Self-Publishing Format
Times are changing, and the ebook has made reading anything you want easy, accessible, and quick. There are no more library or bookstore queues, no...
How to Write Antagonist Characters
“Antagonize,” meaning to work in opposition to someone. Every story needs an antagonist, someone who opposes the protagonist, an adversary. Antagon...
How to Create a Hook For Your Novel
Ever wonder how the best authors catch people’s interest? Why do readers pause on some books longer than others as they choose which one to buy? It...
Character Motivation and Why It's Important
Character motivation is a nuance within storytelling that people often overlook. But developing it in your story will alter the impact of your narr...
How to Write a Book
More people than ever are putting pen to paper these days. With the rise of the ebook, it gives authors a chance they might not have had ten or t...