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The New World of Romance Fiction
The way romance fiction is being written, published, and consumed is changing.
There have been dramatic changes in the world of romance fiction in recent years. The number of online romance fiction communities is rising, and there is an ever-growing list of new platforms for reading and publishing romance. The genre is shattering old stigmas and gaining more popularity than ever.
More people are reading and writing romance than ever before.
How To Write Conflict in YA Fiction
Writing young adult (YA) fiction can be a challenge, especially when it comes to creating a realistic, relatable conflict for your central character. Here we discuss how to write conflict in YA that resonates with an audience and drives your story home.
10 Tips on How To Write YA Fiction
Young adult (YA) fiction is a unique, modern form of narration that appeals to readers of all ages. Let’s discuss 10 tips to help you write a great young adult novel and how to write an authentic YA perspective, even if you’re well past the age of 18.
Popular YA Tropes for your Novel and How To Write Them
Tropes, common themes found throughout literature, are a useful literary device that convey larger ideas within fewer words because of how well rea...
Writing Steam into Your Novel: The elements of a great steamy scene
Steamy scenes, the intimate moments between characters that physically demonstrate their attraction, can be incredibly impactful when used appropri...
Romance Subgenres and How to Choose One
As a genre, romance encompasses a broad range of topics and subgenres. In the most basic sense, romance books contain a central love theme and a ha...
Writing YA Romance: What makes a good YA romance
Romance is a widely popular genre around the world. It has been a marketable adult genre for a long time now, but young adult romance has proven in...
POV and Tense in a Romance Novel: How to choose what POV and tense to use
Once you’re all jazzed up about an idea or a story, you’re thinking about getting your idea on paper. You’re focused on plot, theme, characters, an...
The Elements of a Great Romance Scene
Romance is one of the top-selling book genres across the world. That’s because people like to read about love. It brings hope and creates warm, hap...
Steam Levels and How to Pick One for Your Book's Genre
One of the subtle arts to writing is choosing the steam level that best suits your story. Steam levels vary based on how explicit the romantic cont...
Ten Popular Romance Tropes and How to Write Them Into Your Novel
Why do readers just know who the love interest is? How can they anticipate how the hero and heroine will get together in the end? We’re all familia...
How to write Jealousy into your Romance Novel
Jealousy, an inherent part of the human psyche, is something everyone relates to, which is why it’s a common theme in romance novels. You can use i...
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